
OpenAPI Generator for R Developers

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OpenAPI Generator for R Developers

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IMPORTANT UPDATE (2024 Jan): I've published a new video training course "Advanced OpenAPI Generator" (with free samples) covering various options and techniques to highly customize the output.

OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech) has been gaining popularity since 2018. Companies, from start-ups to IT conglomerates such as Cisco, IBM, Red Hat, Twitter and more, are using OpenAPI Generator to generate API clients (30+ programming languages), server stubs (20+ frameworks) and API documentation for production usage in their technology stack.

In this book, we will show you how you can leverage OpenAPI Generator to instantly generate R packages that can be easily used and customized to meet your unique requirements.

To preview free chapters, please visit http://bit.ly/2YsUomw.

Thank you in advance for purchasing a copy of this eBook to support my voluntary work on OpenAPI Generator.

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10.6 MB
80 pages
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